Moving Forward!

As we move into the 2nd month of 2015, do you have goals or New Year’s resolutions concerning your purpose that you have not begun to fulfill? I challenge you to make a decision today, February 6, 2015, to move forward! Regardless of what has hindered you this path month, CHOOSE to move forward!

Remember, walking in purpose is a choice!

Here are three keys to assist you in walking in purpose:

1. Develop a consistent time of prayer- Spend time daily praying to gain God's  perspective on your daily responsibilities. This will give Him the opportunity to reveal to you your purpose and lead you down the proper path to accomplish it.

2. Develop a heart of obedience- The Holy Spirit was sent to us to lead and guide us. Develop the habit of recognizing the voice of the Holy Spirit as He directs you and be obedient even if you don’t have all the details. This will save you from unnecessary backtracking.

3. Develop goals based upon your purpose-Walking in purpose should be based upon your spiritual life, but its going to take practical application to see it come to fruition. Walking in purpose is a life long discovery process. God will not give you all the details up front. But you discover them, write them down and develop practical S.M.A.R.T. goals to get there.


 Here is an example of a goal I desire to achieve this year!

I will publish my second book by the end of 2015.

Don't wait! Write down three S.M.A.R.T. goals that will propel you closer to walking in purpose!

Our goal is to invest each day fulfilling our purposes. Let’s discover our purpose and devote our hearts towards becoming who we were created to be!

--Walking in purpose